


2023-1-5 高丽参的功效 | 野生高丽参| 高丽参功效 养生




Panic and laziness, shortness of breath and fatigue, body loss after illness, surgery and postpartum, supplementing qi, nourishing blood, improving intelligence and increasing strength, and ginseng slice pigeon soup

Pigeon Soup with Ginseng Slices
[Medicinal material] 1 white ginseng.
[Ingredients] 1 baby pigeon, 2g white pepper, 5g green onion, 5g ginger slices, 3g salt, 15ml cooking wine, 20g watery asparagus, 20g ham, 5g medlar, and proper amount of fresh soup.
Step 1: Kill the baby pigeons, scald them in the boiling water for a short time, remove them and wash them; Rinse wolfberry and white ginseng; Slice winter bamboo shoots and ham.
Step 2: Put a pot on the fire, add some water, put in baby pigeons, ham slices, ginger slices, winter bamboo shoots slices, Chinese wolfberry, white ginseng, boil, add a little soup, salt, white pepper, cooking wine, onion, and simmer for 1 hour until the pigeon meat is crisp and rotten.
[Efficacy] It can nourish qi, blood, intelligence and strength. It is applicable to flustered and lazy speech, shortness of breath and fatigue, post disease, post operation, postpartum body loss, etc.
[Food] Drink soup and eat meat.

标签: 养生

