


2022-12-9 高丽参的功效 | 野生高丽参| 高丽参功效 养生

步骤1:龟肉洗净,切块;红枣润透,去核,洗净;百合洗净;姜洗净,切片。  步骤2:汤煲置火上,入水适量,下入龟肉、红枣、姜片,大火煮沸后,撇净浮沫,加入百合,转小火煲2小时,加盐调味,即可食用。

[Medicinal material] 20g lily.
[Ingredients] 200g turtle meat, 5 red dates, 5g ginger, 2g salt.
Step 1: wash the turtle meat and cut it into pieces; The red dates are moistened, pitted and washed; Clean lily; Rinse ginger and slice. Step 2: Put the soup pot on the fire, add some water, add turtle meat, red dates, ginger slices, boil over high heat, skim the foam, add lilies, turn down the heat for 2 hours, add salt to taste, and serve.
[Efficacy] It can nourish yin, blood, heart and kidney. It is applicable to insomnia, upset, palpitations and other diseases caused by heart and kidney deficiency.
[Contraindication] Lily is cold in nature, and those with poor spleen and stomach should be careful.
[Food] Eat lily and turtle meat, and drink soup.

标签: 养生

