


2022-12-12 高丽参的功效 | 野生高丽参| 高丽参功效 养生



[Medicinal materials] 3 grams of medlar, 8 grams of polygonum multiflorum, angelica, and prepared rehmannia, 20 grams of astragalus, and 15 grams of yam.
[Ingredients] 1200g black bone chicken, 5 pieces of ginger, 50ml rice wine, 100g black beans and 3g salt.
Step 1: wash the above 6 kinds of medicinal materials, moisten them and put them into a medicine bag; Wash black beans; Wash the black bone chicken, chop it into pieces, boil it in boiling water for 5 minutes, take it out and wash it.
Step 2: Put the stew pan on the fire, add some water, add chicken pieces, medicine bags, ginger, rice wine, black beans and salt, boil it on the high fire, turn it to the low fire and simmer for 30 minutes until the chicken is cooked, and then pick out the medicine bags.
[Efficacy] It can strengthen the spleen and kidney, nourish blood and qi, and is suitable for diseases such as weak qi and blood, cold hands and feet, rare male spermatozoa, and female infertility.
[Food] Eat meat and drink soup.

标签: 养生

