

贫血、神疲乏力、容易感冒|白参牛柳 汤

2022-12-9 高丽参的功效 | 野生高丽参| 高丽参功效 养生







[Medicinal material] 3g white ginseng.
[Ingredients] 350g beef tenderloin, 100g green pepper, 30g red pepper, 3g ginger powder, 3g green onion powder, 3g salt, 2g monosodium glutamate, 2g white granulated sugar, 5ml soy sauce, 10ml cooking wine, 10ml oyster sauce, 10ml water starch, 15ml vegetable oil.
Step 1: Rinse the white ginseng, moisten and slice it, put it into the pot, add water and boil it over high heat, then turn it to low heat and boil it for 50 minutes, take the concentrated juice for standby; Clean and cut green pepper and red pepper into sections; Rinse beef tenderloin, cut into strips, add salt, MSG and cooking wine, and marinate for 15 minutes.
Step 2: Put the pot on the fire, heat the oil until it is 40% hot, add the sirloin and oil it, about 10 seconds, remove and drain the oil.
Step 3: Keep the base oil in the pan, add ginger and scallions, stir fry until fragrant, add green and red peppers, stir fry for several seconds on high fire, cook cooking wine and soy sauce, add MSG, white granulated sugar, oyster sauce, add beef fillet, stir fry until cooked, add white ginseng juice, stir fry well, and add water starch to thicken.
[Efficacy] It can replenish qi, blood and vitality. It is applicable to anemia, mental fatigue, easy to catch cold, etc.
[Food] Serve with meals.

标签: 养生

