


2022-12-12 高丽参的功效 | 野生高丽参| 高丽参功效 养生



Pork Dumplings with Spinach and Ginseng
[Medicinal material] 6g ginseng.
[Ingredients] 1000 grams of spinach, 800 grams of flour, 500 grams of lean pork, 10 grams of ginger, 5 grams of green onion, pepper, and pepper, 50 ml of light soy sauce, 5 ml of sesame oil, and 10 grams of salt.
Step 1: Rinse spinach, remove stems and leave leaves, mash into vegetable paste, add proper amount of water, mix well, wrap it with gauze, and squeeze out green juice; The ginseng is moistened, cut into thin slices, grind into fine powder, and set aside; Rinse ginger and onion and chop them.
Step 2: Wash the pork with clean water, chop it up, add salt, soy sauce, Chinese prickly ash and ginger powder, mix them well, add proper amount of water and stir them into a paste, add chopped green onion, ginseng powder and sesame oil, and mix them well to form a filling; Mix the flour with spinach juice until the surface of the dough is smooth, knead the long strips into 200 dosage forms, roll them into a round thin dough, and then add stuffing to wrap the dough into dumplings one by one.
Step 3: Put the pot on the fire, add some water, put the dumplings into the pot after boiling, and add a small amount of cold water after the dumplings float. When the stuffing and pine leaves, take out the dumplings and put them into a bowl.
[Efficacy] It can replenish qi, calm nerves, and nourish the spleen and lungs. It is suitable for those who have little food due to spleen deficiency and asthma and cough due to lung deficiency.
[Food] Serve with meals.

标签: 养生

